Mirren Hinchley is an emerging, abstract painter who after a successful career took up painting in this exciting new chapter of her life. Her painting process is based on experiential learning. She has been able to let herself go & express her creativity every time she starts a new canvas. She wants her paintings to reveal her joy of co
Mirren Hinchley is an emerging, abstract painter who after a successful career took up painting in this exciting new chapter of her life. Her painting process is based on experiential learning. She has been able to let herself go & express her creativity every time she starts a new canvas. She wants her paintings to reveal her joy of colour & texture, to entice & inspire the viewer to think & talk about what they have just seen.
She has exhibited at art shows in Toronto and abroad and most recently at the 2023 International Artist Project, Toronto, Gallery 1313 group show booth. She has mounted solo shows at Catherine Shea Studio, San Miguel, Mexico, Propeller Art Gallery and Gallery 1313. Her artwork has been featured at the Elaine Fleck Art Gallery and the Leslie Grove Gallery and galleries in Milan, the UK and Venice. Her work is currently available at the Denison Art Gallery, Toronto.
Studied under:
Catherine Shea, Catherine Shea Art Studio
Instituto Allende, San Miguel, Mexico
Kim-Lee Kho, Haliburton School of the Arts and independently
Suzanne Metz, ArtEmbassy School of Art
Steve Rose, Artbarn Art School
Gallery1313, 2021 -
Heliconian Club, Visual Arts Section, 2022 - May 2023
Propeller Art Gallery, 2022 - June 2023
The Artists Network, 2021 - December 2022
Volunteer Work
Gallery 1313, gallery sitting, 2021 - present, member of Anniversary Committee, 2022
Propeller Art Gallery, Board Secretary, April 2022 - March 2023
Heliconian Club, one of the conveners for Warm & Wild group show, June 2022, & Nocturn group show, December 2022
In my painting process I have learned to overcome adversity & embrace risk & vulnerability. Physically & emotionally, I feel empowered, liberated from self-imposed constraints. This transformation in myself has provoked new techniques & colour palettes. My paintings have a new look & feel. There has been an organic evolution in my style
In my painting process I have learned to overcome adversity & embrace risk & vulnerability. Physically & emotionally, I feel empowered, liberated from self-imposed constraints. This transformation in myself has provoked new techniques & colour palettes. My paintings have a new look & feel. There has been an organic evolution in my style. My colours have become more dynamic, my marks bolder, twisting, curving, spiraling & slashing in all directions across the canvas using credit cards, brushes & sponges. I have found a way to express my inner emotions. Creative energy has been released that has been pent up in me I have let myself go & let it flow out of me onto the canvas. I have discovered my true self. Painting has become the anchor in my ever-evolving life.
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